Category Archives: Seen Elsewhere

The Way of Success is the Way of Struggle

I saw this piece on Darren Hardy’s great blog. It’s excerpted from an article in Napoleon Hill’s magazine of 1921:

Lincoln wrote the greatest speech ever delivered in the English language, on the back of an envelope, a few moments before it was delivered, yet the thought back of that speech was borne of hardship and struggle.

All down the road of life you will meet with obstacles, many of them. Failure will overtake you time after time, but remember that it is a part of Nature’s method to place obstacles and failure in your way.

Every time you master failure you become stronger and better prepared to meet the next one. The moments of trial will come to you as they come to all at one time or another. Doubt and lack of faith in yourself will cast their dark shadows over you, but remember that the manner in which you react under these trying negatives will indicate whether you are developing power or slipping backward.

“And this, too, will soon pass away.” Nothing is permanent, therefore why permit disappointment, resentment or a keen sense of injustice to undermine your composure, because they will soon eliminate themselves.

Look back over your past and you will see that those experiences of yesterday which bore heavily on your heart at the time, and seemed to end all hope of success, passed away and left you wiser that you were before.

The whole universe is in a constant state of flux. You are in a constant state of change. Evolution is removing the wounds left in your heart by disappointment. You need not go down under any difficulty if you but bear in mind that “this, too, will soon pass away.”

I looked back at my heavy load of grief and
worry which crowded the happiness out of
my heart only yesterday, and lo! they had
been transformed into stepping stones of
experience over which I had climbed higher
and higher.

Source: Napoleon Hill’s Magazine. September, 1921. Volume 1, number 5, page 9.

For the first ever tele-seminar based on Napoleon’s Think and Grow Rich, the number one success book of all time, go here…

Lessons from The Human Camera

Each of us has one or more special gifts. But we spend most of our time focused on the talents or skills we don’t have that we think are critical to our success. In reality, we need to focus on our special gifts and how we can leverage those to help us achieve more.

Stephen Wiltshire is an example of someone who has focused on his special gifts while ignoring what many might think would be his weaknesses.

As a child, Stephen was mute and did not relate to other human beings. At three he was diagnosed as autistic. He had no language, uncontrolled tantrums and lived entirely in his own world.

At the age of five, Stephen was sent to Queensmill School in London, a school for children with special needs, where it was noticed that the only pastime he enjoyed was drawing. Watch this video and see what Stephen, literally “The Human Camera,” has since learned to do with his special gift.

No Super Bowl but he IS a Super Hero

The annual hype surrounding the Super Bowl is about to begin. And no doubt this Super Bowl will produce some more legends and heroes. But there are some heroes who won’t be in the Super Bowl, but who prove to us everyday that anyone can be a Super Hero. They are a constant reminder that “when the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.”

At 3-foot-1-inch tall, Bobby Martin may be the “biggest” player whose ever played the game. Watch the video and see if you agree.

What’s your excuse — part two?

Nino Savona has a condition that keeps millions of people from living life on their own terms. But Nino doesn’t see the disability he’s had since he was eight-years-old like other people do. Take a few minutes now to read an excellent story about Nino by my friend and champion natural body builder Tom Venuto. It just might give you a different outlook on whatever “disability” you’re dealing with today…

Read more here…