Category Archives: Seen Elsewhere

It’s Not What You Are That Holds You Back – Part Three

During so much of our struggle we spend inordinate amounts of time focused on what we think are our shortcomings or our lack.

As Tony Melendez so beautifully proves in this video, it’s not what you don’t have that counts. It’s how you use what you do have.

It is a well-known and well-demonstrated Universal Law that whatever you focus on expands. Focus on your lack and you get more of it. Focus on your abundance, and by the same law, you must get more of it.

Watch this video and guess which one Tony focuses on:

It’s Not Enough To Start The Race – You’ve Got to FINISH It!

Just as the Beijing Olympics will provide us with a lot of inspirational moments we can use in our life, so too did the Olympic games of 40 years ago. John Akhwari was a marathon runner representing Tanzania at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City. During the race he fell, badly cutting his knee and dislocating the joint. Rather than quitting, he got up from the fall, bandaged his leg and continued to run. He finished hours after the winner and last among the 74 competitors. Asked why he continued to run when there was no chance that he could win, he replied, “My country did not send me 5,000 miles to start the race. They sent me 5,000 miles to finish the race.”

Watch this video and then get up off the track and finish YOUR RACE!


Success MagazineAlmost 35 years after reading SUCCESS Magazine for the first time, I’m excited (and honored) to have an article in the newest issue that features Trump on the cover.

While the format (and technology — each issue now includes a FREE DualDiscâ„¢ (CD & DVD in one)) has changed over the years, one thing hasn’t: it’s still the one-stop source of wisdom and insight from today’s leading entrepreneurs, CEO’s and personal development experts.

Inside each issue you’ll find success in:

  • Business – Sales tips, closing the deal, leadership, time management, goal-setting and more
  • Relationships – Balancing business with personal life to be the best person you can be for yourself and others
  • Wealth – Investing, leveraging your money, creating financial freedom and more ways to increase your net worth
  • Well-Being – Destressing, recharging and staying fit – and why it’s important!
  • Making a Difference – Ways to exercise your passion for giving back and helping others
  • You can see our article on pages 34-35 and go here to subscribe to SUCCESS or call 800-570-6414.