Watch the video below for all the details and your special Free Party Favor for being part of my online birthday party.
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Watch the video below for all the details and your special Free Party Favor for being part of my online birthday party.
R.S.V.P For Your Free Gift![]() Enter Your Email |
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Happy Birthday. I am inspired daily by your messages of hope and believe in self and the most high. Each day as I aspire to see my dream of becoming a motivational speaker for those in the performing arts, I am fueled by the messages and quotes you offer in your daily emails. You celebrate life through giving. And you are a true inspiration to me.
Happy 56 Birthday! Ya don’t look a day over 30.
Always wishing you the best.
Happy Birthday Big Guy !!! We need your San Fransisco birthday party picture posted !!
Happy BD to you!
Happyyyyyyyyyy Birthday
hope you all the best
Birthday wishes to you! I do remember the words to that song! There are many August birthdays in our family and three on the twenty third. Have a great one! I so much look forward and enjoy your daily inspirations.
“Happy Birthday”
From Me and My Family
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy birthday, Vic.
Thanks for your generosity.
Thanks Vic.
I’ve been travelling/speaking and just had your messages brought to my attention. I wish you a great year and every (belated) blessing.
As long as we continue to look forward with optimism and never back with regret, we shall continue to grow.
Thanks for all the material. Life is magic!!
Sydney, Australia
I also remember that song, but I don’t feel old! Thanks for all of your information and the contribution to make to your listeners and readers. It is awesome information with tons of value. Very appreciated.
Rose Kirkland
Download a copy of my FREE E-Book.
So sorry I forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday! Loved the video! Thanks for what you do!
Happy birthday, Vic!
Happy Birthday, Vic! Be blessed you amd your family! I am grateful to you for your generosity! Rea
Hey there Mr. Vic Johnson.Mark here this is my first time receiving anything from you.I first want to say Happy belated birthday,I wish you have many,many more.Second thank you for the party you gave for me.(Remember Your Birthday My Party)and the gifts are a blessing from God. I am really enjoying the Secret Of The Ages.I just wanted to say a few words.May God Richly Bless You and Your Lovely Wife and famaily in Jesus Name. Peace.
Happy Birthday Vic, and Thanks for the gift. I love parties and I’m sure we’re going to have a fantastic time at yours!!! I’m looking forward to seeing what other surprises you have for us and maybe we’ll even have a couple for you!!!
Happy Birthday Vic!
I pray you will be blessed and refreshed in new and exciting ways this year, that you will receive the deep desires of your heart, that your joy and zest for each present moment will be filled with abundant life and that your spirit, soul and body would become more in alignment so that you can continue to grow into higher levels of love and light to all those your life touches! Thank you for all the good works you have already accomplished and for all the surprised that are yet to unfold before you this year!
God Bless You and Yours!
Happy Birthday Vic. My biggest gift has been to know you. Thankyou for being one of my most special mentors.
Dear Mr. Johnson,
First of all i would like to CONGRATULATE your parents with your birth (i don’t know if they are still with us or not in any case it is there day as well as yours) If they are here with all of us mush best wishes and health to them.
Now I also would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! Thank you for being who you are! Best health and wealth and all the wishes of yours to come true as well as to obtain new once!
Big Happy Birthday Vic. Only now, I can’t put down “The Secret of the Agesâ€. This is powerful. I will treasure it. May God bless you now and always.
Looking forward to seeing what you got
Dear Vic,
Knowing you has been such a wonderful blessing to me and I am very grateful for the privilege. I want to thank you on behalf of the millions of souls out there that you have impacted positively with your life and teaching. We are all eternally grateful and wish you many more fruitful years of service to humanity.
Happy Birthday!
Congratulations Vic !
You are a unbelievable man !
God Bless Yuo an d Yours!
“Happy Birthdayâ€
Have a great one Vic and you ain’t lookin to bad for 56 !
underachievers are never celebrated in the public, because you have touched and still affecting peoples lives positvely, we are celebrating you in the public. do have a wonderful birthday.
may you grow from strength to strength in jesus name (amen).
Thanks a lot! On your birthday and Always be the Lord bless you really good.
Ngozi Nnazor
Lagos, Nigeria
Hi Vic, I just wanted to say thank you to you. You have given so much through “As A Man Thinketh”. I have your “Day by Day with James Allen…” and take it with me in a bag and read it on the train. It just keeps me on course as does God’s word. I remember a relative telling me about “As A Man Thinketh” and I went : “As a what thinketh ?”. I googled and found you and your site. I read the book and continue to re-read it. At the end of the first chapter James Allen quotes Mattew 7:8. I think this is the secret to a great life. May God give you and your family many more happy and healthy and wealthy times together. Jesus loves you and in Jesus’s name I pray Amen.
Roger Garcia
Sydney, Australia
Happy Belated Birthday Sir,
I also celebrated my birthday two days ago on the 15th and feel very DEEPLY honored and privileged to not only share a birthday week with you but to be associated with you too! THANKS a ton for the free gifts!
Happy Birthday
Dear Vic,
Happy 50th and best wishes for 50 more.
Thanks for your motivation,
Happy Birthday, Vic
May God bless you and your family
Thank you for the gift.
Happy birthday, Vic. Thanks for the party favour! Enjoy your special day.
Happy Birthday! and thanks for sharing with all of us. I have been enjoying your TGR e-course. It keeps the power of TGR in front of me everyday. It has been a powerful, positive change in the way I do business. My mission is to help pets live longer, healthier lives!
Happy Birthday Vic. Wishing you all the best.
Happy Birthday Vic. May this new year of your life be more amazing in every way than all the previous ones.
Thanks for the free gifts and for making an impact in my life and in the lives of so many people all over the world.
God’s blessings
New York
Hey Happy Birthday – you share August with a lot of others – many from my family. But thanks for sharing your joy with us as well as the gifts.
Thank YOu!
HAPPY BAIRT DAY VIC!!! In deed you are a blessing to the world. I can’t find the exact word to qualify but I must say that you are a genius. More grace to your elbows, and may God Almighty continue to shower more wisdom on you. Once again HAPPY BIRT DAY!!!! From ELLA UCHE Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Happy Birthday Vic,
Thank you for your generous offers!
May God Bless you for bringing ‘As a man thinketh’
Happy Birthday Vic, May all your hearth’s desires come to fruition and may your work continue to be of immense benefit to all. Remain blessed.
Happy birth day Vic. You have been so thrilling since I got connected to you. Your free ebooks have done much good to me. My greatest desire is to have a PDF of how to train your mind to work like a human computer. the greatest difficulty I have is that I am all the way in Cameroon. Its difficult to have a master or visa card. the desire is burning in me. How else can I have it
Once more many more years to you
Happy B-day Vic,
I am enjoying your generous gifts and look forward to hearing from you again. Your uplifting messages are greatly appreciated. These days when good news is hard to come by your messages are like a breath of fresh air. Thanks, Gwen
Best wishes and healthy forever, Vic…
I was surprised to learn that we share the same birth year.
I’m just starting off on the journey that you started 12 years ago. I hope I can be half as successful. Thanks for your help.
Happy Birthday wishes to you Vic.
I always Love and wait to hear about the ebooks and the fantabulous content which gets available to us via mails. The stuff on this site play an important role in many lives and I keep coming to it and revisit the videos oftenly. Thanks for being in our lives.
Happy Birthday Vic.
May you have many more.
Cheers, Finn :0)
Happy Birthday for Aug 23rd the same day as a friend of mine.
Dear Vic,
Wish u a Happy Birthday…
Thank you for the help that I have gotten from your success.
Also I want to thank you for the free gifts that you have already
given to us for your birthday.
Hay Vic,
Happy birthday!!
You’re the best!!
Listen to a lot of your stuff and it maid me cry because it was my story as well.
Maybe I will see you soon.
Greetings from a sunny Holland.
Belated Birthday wishes to you Vic.
May GOD Bless you.
Thank You So Much For The ‘As A Man Thinketh’.
VIC,your’s is a LIFE WELL LIVED! Your work at asamanthinketh has CHANGED certain aspects of my LIFE. You’re trully a WORLD-CHANGER. Do have a BLISSFUL birthday. And THANKS for the GIFTS.