Watch the video below for all the details and your special Free Party Favor for being part of my online birthday party.
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Watch the video below for all the details and your special Free Party Favor for being part of my online birthday party.
R.S.V.P For Your Free Gift![]() Enter Your Email |
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Life is nothing but excitement. And excitement comes from the association of excited and fired-up people, those fired-up for their life and also for bringing a difference for the better, in others life too.
This is the way to associate with as many as may wish too and to make them think – they can and they do live a lively life, provided they think & plan so.
Simply gr8 to participate with joyous people and be a possibility – “joyous participation” moment to moment, every moment. A life of significatnce, valued much above the life of success.
Many Many Happy Returns of the Day; regards – vedvrat
thanks a lot
Happy Birthday Vic! Thank you for inviting me to your party and for the free gift — I love free stuff! I, also, want to thank you for giving me the courage to “go for it” – I wrote my first book and am writing two more now and have all the confidence in the world that I will be successful. I can do this – I know I can! Again, Happy Birthday and many more. Take care, Marilyn
Life is not defined, but life is your attitude towards life. A positive attitude means a positive leaving and a negative attititude means a negative leaving. Thats all. Happy Birthday Vic.
Hi Vic,
Happy birthday!
You’ve a life worth living.
Happy Birthday Vic!
I wish you best of luck and all the love you ever wished for! I wish you have a great offline birthday party with your most precious and loved ones!
Thank you for the amazing free gifts!
Be blessed!
Thanks for all you help Vic – Really greatful – Just getting started in Cyber World – Will always recommend you – Hope you have a great birthday. John Lavan. UK
Happy Birthday Vic!
Be this new year filled with all blessings and health and may all your plans and projects bring you joy and fulfillment! Have many happy returns and thanks for all you teaching others. I love it! and I love it even more that i can teach it to my kids, so they have an even better start to make their lifes what they want it to be! Thanks Vic!
Happy birthday Vic! You are greatly appreciated for the impact you are making in the lives of many.
Lots of excitement and fun today because today is a new day and a new start. HAPPY BIRHTDAY!
Happy birthday i hope you have an excellent day and get all you wish for
Best wishes Ang
Thanks for your party bag! Those gifts are great! Have just myself filled party bags for my 10 yr olds birthday party, would it not be great if one could fill those kid party bags with goodies from your party bag! One can’t start early enough with teaching them and motivate them. Gotta think about this party bag idea. maybe we could do this together? Would love to work with you on such a project. You got my mail, let me know, if you would be interested.But first enjoy your birthday!
Lots of love
Sydney, Australia
happy birthday Vic and thanks for great work you doing for all of us!
Happy Birthday
Age is just a number, I am trying to challenge/unleash that greatness which some might argue that it depends on age , some even say maturity is reduction in entrope but today I say keep focused until you reach your destiny.
I am happy for you
Happy Birthday Vic! God’s richest blessings for this new year of your life. The best is yet to come!!! God BLess.
I wish you all the best of God and man in your rest endeavours on earth. I have been tremendously blessed by your good works.
Please dont stop.
Lagos, Nigeria
Happy Birthday Vic, and Thanks for the gift. I love parties and I’m sure we’re going to have a fantastic time at yours!!! I’m looking forward to seeing what other surprises you have for us and maybe we’ll even have a couple for you!!!
I wish u A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. and may you be blessed for years to come bringing many happy returns of this day.
Thank you for your kindness of giving free gifts.
kind regards,
Thanks Vic for the free gifts. Happy Birthday.
Happy, Happy Birthday, Vic!!! I hope you have a very blessed day and thanks for sharing your blessings with others. May it truly be a special day, and year, for you. God bless you — Christie
Happy Birthday Vic! Feliz cumpleanos! I really appreciate who you are and what you do. I am truly grateful for your “gifts” to the world – as you continue to provide assistance for me and others to draw out and share our own “inner gifts”.
Thank you very much.
Muchisimas gracias!
Hi Vic –
Happy Early Birthday to you! I love that you continue to give and give and give. Not only of physical products, but of your time and knowledge. Ever since the first Claim Your Power in Atlanta (and before that in Champions Club), I have continued to learn from you.
Again, Thanks!
Be Well.
Happy Birthday Vic!
Thank you for inviting me to your party.Aug 23 is a very special day. You are just a young man. Thanks again. My birthday is Aug 23 1948. What great parent we have. And for the free gift — I love free stuff!
Again, Happy Birthday and many more.
God Bless
Happy Hapy Birthday Vic!
You have brought so much positive attitude to my life ..thank thank you very much and enjoy your day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for helping to achieve my dreams ..and have a wonderful funfill day
Happy Birthday! I’ll party with you because it’s my birthday too!! Thanks for the BD gifts.
But, I have a few years to catch up with you, hint: I remember that song at my sweet 16.
Blessings, Roe
Woohoo! Congrats to you! Thanks for the free stuff!
My birthday is also August 23rd (’55) – that explains why you so totally rock!
Hi Vic and Happy Birthday! I LUV your, “Day by Day” book, and I really enjoy your enthusiasm and comittment. Plus, you’re eye-candy! Thanks for the freebie – I love to give things away and I love to get things too! ox Hugs, kelly
Hey You are a blessing to many may you grow from grory to glory .
God blee you
You are truly an inspiration! Enjoy your special day and thanks for the free gift!
Happy Birthday!!! God Bless you!
Feliz Cumpleaños!!! Dios le Bendiga!
Happy B-Day Vic. God Bless.
Happy, Happy Birthday! Thanks for the invitation to your party.
You and your team have helped me more than you will ever know!
Have a wonderful day, I will be celebrating with you!!
With Gratitude,
Ann Marie
Dear Vic
Many many happy returns of the day.
God bless you and your family.
Salim Sayyid
Have an awesome birthday. Thanks for all you do. You da bomb buddy.
May years fill with: Life, Health, Wisdom, Abundance, Money, LOve, Tranquility and Peace to you and your family.
Jose Joaquin
Happy birthday Vic! On the 23rd… don’t count your candles… (plus at our age it takes forever!) instead count your blessings and realize what a wonderful occasion your birthday is!
And many, many more blessings!
Happy Birthday young man! You certainly have been a blessing in my life. I look forward to many more years of your ‘genious’ and inspiration. Thank you for all you have done for me and thousands of others!
Happy Birthday Vic!!!
Thank you for your inspiration and good cheer. I’m guessing you’re turning 23. lol. However young you’re turning, l know you’re filled with life & love in abundance. Thanks a lot.
God bless, One love,
Herman “Kodah” Albany
Outstanding Morning. Happy Birthday and thanks for the invite. Congratulations on being 56 years of age. Here’s To Living Our Dreams! God Bless.
Here’s to you and a superb birthday..and thanks for a time machine trip with Lesley Gore…
Happy Birthday Vic!
You have inspired me with hope and the will to break out of the bondage of a poverty mindset and reach for “life.” Thank you for the gifts and resources you have so freely shared to make it possible for me to make this change. May God bless you with another 56 years, my friend.
Happy Birthday Vic ! God Bless you !
Happy Birthday Vic
Thanks for the invitation.I wish you all the best things that life can offer.
Hey Vic –
Great to see you in Last Weekend!
Happy Birthday!
You Look Great!
happy birthday Vic, thanks for be my Mentor . i appreicate all you do for me and the countless others.august is a GREAT month. my birthday was the 12th.
see ya soon
Happy Birthday Vic~ and Many Moorreee!
Motivation Inspiration are All that’s needed to soar to the Highest Heights! Love the Costume :~) Crazy Cool!
Haapy Bithday..belated! jst opened my email. Bt still, I thank you for you keep on inspiring a lot of people.God Bless your mission. More power and goodluck.
Happyiiiiiiiii Birthday Vic. Wishing you many more filled with abundant inspiration, joy, love, health and wealth. May your words of wisdom bless many throughout the world. Sharing is caring … let us join forces! I too have just celebrated another year of life (well lived with appreciation). Blessed be. Namaste.
Happy Birthday Vic. Lots of good things are happening around me thanks to As a Man Thinketh. It is about doing the right things. Enjoyed your birthday video! Have a great day, everyday!!